The Blackbrook herd was established in 1989, following a desire to start a beef suckler herd and the decision to go for the Longhorn breed arose from the historical connections within the Stanley family, the breed’s enormous appeal, the desire to utilise a true native breed and its legendary docility.
Our first foray into the Longhorn world was at the Parc Grace Dieu production sale at Monmouth in August 1989. Three members of our family came up with the same selection, an animal which later was to make the record price at the sale.

We are proud to offer the following ‘Blackbrook’ bulls for International semen sales. These animals have been chosen for their outstanding contribution to the ‘Blackbrook’ herd. They have outstanding pedigrees, and have produced outstanding offspring.
Three have been prolific Show winners with awards too numerous to mention and the two that have not have parents and renowned ancestors that have.
Their offspring are proven in the field and the show yard and come highly recommended.